Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Last year we got dirt with the intention of planting a garden. I have never claimed to have a green thumb, so this might be an adventure for us. Kevin spent yesterday planting the majority of the garden, but saved the pumpkins and tomatoes until Keltie and I got home. Kelite was a great big helper. She looked like a little Mennonite girl helping Daddy. Check out the dress and no shoes look. Hopefully we have good luck and will be able to freeze some of our results for the baby.
"Is this how I do it Daddy?"
Taking a little time to tell Mama, "Cheese."
Waiting patiently for Daddy to put the next seed in.
Being ever so careful.
Helping Daddy push the dirt in to cover up the plants.
This is fun!
Keltie even had to help water the plants. This was interesting to watch because the scooper that she was using had holes in it. She would dip it in the bucket and by the time she actually got the scooper to the plant the water was gone. She didn't get frustrated at it, instead she would just giggle and look at us.

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

I might wonder if Keltie will be there when it's time to pull weeds!! Boompa thinks she comes honestly with the barefeet. Right, Kevin?