Thursday, November 29, 2012


Keltie wanted to take pictures with the camera last night. Here's what she thought was interesting in our house. (No, I won't put ALL of them on.)

Hair Cuts

Keltie is getting excited for her first school concert. We have heard a lot of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer around our house. Well, she decided before her big day that she wanted to get her hair cut. She kept saying that she wanted to get it cut to her chin. Off we headed, Chrissy cut it a little bit and Keltie wanted more taken off. I was a little apprehensive, but I figured it was her hair. Well, it's pretty short, but it's super cute. It took me awhile to get used to it, but it's adorable on her. She was very excited about it, but I think she then started to get worried about what others would think. Here's the new girl in front of the Christmas tree.

This was her silly face.

Kinsley also decided that she wanted to get her hair cut. (That would be monkey see monkey do. ) Anyway, I was a little scared because the last time we went she screamed and screamed. She told me that she wouldn't, but that doesn't mean anything. Before we left home she told Kevin that she wanted to get it cut as short as his because "I want to be like you." Well, she did wonderful. She didn't make a peep and did everything she was supposed to do. She was so good. When Chrissy got done cutting  it, Kinsley said, "That not short like Daddy's." She's too funny. Here she is. (These pictures are courtesy of Keltie.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So Many Reasons to be Thankful

Well, the last couple of weeks have really thrown our family through the loop. Both girls have had the flu (thankfully neighter of them had a very bad case), our babysitter's kids have been sick and our babysitter had had to have a couple of days off for medical reasons. This has really put us in some difficult situations. We love having a stay at home daycare, but when someone is sick or they need time off, you have to take time off as well. I have taken a few days off, but we are lucky enough to have great families who are willing to help us out. Thank you to all of you, we really do appreciate it. We're hoping that we don't have to rely on your much anymore, but know that you should be on standby.

C is for Cookie

Last Wednesday was the annual Will cookie decoration time. We headed over to Granny and Papa's to help decorate the cookies. With 6 little bodies, it sure goes by quickly. This year they each got cookies on a paper plate to decorate. Needless to say, Roxie, Denise and Granny stayed busy frosting, while Kevin, myself, Papa and Tim stayed busy walking the cookies to the other room. Thanks Denise for all the cookie baking you did.
Kinsley checking out what Autumn did.
Keltie busy at work.
More and more cookies.
You have to love that face.
The finished product.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

So, Halloween is over. Whew! It's been rough preparing the girls for it. Actually, I shouldn't say girls. Keltie has known FOREVER that she wanted to be Cinderella. Grammy found an excellent costume for her so that was fine. Kinsley on the other hand, Kinsley, well, let's just say that Kinsley was Kinsley in deciding what she wanted to be. First it was a kitty. Fine, that's easy. Then for some reason it switched to a green bird. Where she even got the idea for that, I'll never know. While I was worrying about how to find her a green bird costume, she then switched to a purple bird costume. I asked at school how to do it, and the teachers said put her in a purple tutu with leggings. Done. I had everything lined up. Grammy made a purple feather and it was finished. Kinsley saw the feather and didn't want anything to do with it. Plan I don't even remember what plan it would be, a fancy nightgown. Fast forward to last Saturday, Grammy has a Barbie costume that is size 5/6. Now mind you, Kinsley is barely in a 2T. She tried this costume on and was in love. Fine so be it, that's what she can wear. Well, yesterday morning she wasn't too sure about it again, but she did wind up wearing it. We don't go trick or treating to a lot of houses and now I know why. The girls wouldn't say trick or treat and hid behind our legs. Needless to say, they got more than enough candy though and I'm sure Mama and Daddy will be the ones eating the majority of it.