Monday, April 8, 2013

Where Does Time Go?

This weekend we had Keltie's 5th birthday party. Yes, I said 5th. Where did time go? How did she get so grown up? It just amazes me everyday. She is truly turning into such a responsible and mature girl. She had a great time at her party and was thankful for all those who could make it. Here was her day.

"Hello Kitty" was the theme for the cake this year.
It was a little to heavy for her to hold up too long.
Kinsley had to get in on the action as well. As soon as the cake was brought in, her fingers were in it.
Sisterly love.
The reverse Oreo. (Kylie, Keltie and Ella)
Such a sweetheart.
There was only a little (or a lot) of spit that went on the cake.
Kinsley was more excited about the ice cream than the cake.
Giving Auntie Denise a little bit of love.
Way too many presents for one little girl.
A new fishing pole to take camping this summer.
Mama and her girl along with Great Grandma.
Kinsley and her favorite Auntie Carol.
Keltie and the Great Grandmas.
Our almost 5 year old. We love you so much from the tip of your nose down to your toes.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Day

So the day before Easter we kept telling the girls that the Easter Bunny would be coming soon. As soon as we said this, Kinsley would get a scared look on her face. When we went to put them to bed that night she was in tears saying that she didn't want the Easter Bunny to come in to her room. What should we do? I knew that we had to do something because otherwise she would be worried all night or I would end up sleeping in front of her door. Here's what we did.


It's kind of hard to read, but we put it right in front of her bedroom. She slept sound and didn't say make a peep. When she got up on Easter morning, we asked her if she had heard anything and she was so excited because the bunny didn't come in to her room. She's too funny. I didn't get any pictures from our Easter egg basket hunt at our house because I was recording it. Both the girls were super excited to get new sunglasses and toothbrushes. It truly is the small things in life. We headed to Granny and Papa's house for more Easter fun.
After church, Kinsley was hungry so she had to have a bowl of cereal. Everyone had to wait patiently until she was finished. I think that she knew this because she took her sweet time.
The reverse Oreo cookie.
Keltie and her basket. She sat by Ella and Kylie during church and when we got in the van afterwards, she told us that Ella told her that her basket was behind the couch. She then said, "That's not fair that I know where mine is. Now it's not going to be fun to find it." Thankfully Joann was home so with a quick phone call, it was placed in a different spot.


Easter Preparations

Saturday we decorated eggs at our house and then later in the afternoon headed to Granny and Papa's house to decorate eggs and cupcakes. The girls had a blast doing this and did such a great job with it.
The first egg being handed off to Daddy.
That smile on her face says it all.
She loved dropping them in, but we left it to Daddy to take the eggs out for her.
The finished product.
What color do you think it will be?
Being so, so careful.
All the eggs finished.
Decorating cupcakes at Granny and Papa's house.

Camping Season Where Are You?

This is as close to camping as we'll be getting any time soon.

Winter Fun?

Yes, it's fun to play in the winter. Yes, it's fun to play in the snow. I would like to be able to say that these pictures were taken in December, but they were just taken last week. Yuck! Here's hoping that the snow melts soon.

Both girls getting buried in the snow.Notice that Kinsley doesn't like it too much at all.
Keltie breaking free.
Our final snowman of the season. (Keeping our fingers crossed.) It's more of a snowman alien since they put the parts on where they wanted to.