Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Events

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe summer. Since we live out in the boonies, we are unable to get decent internet service. That means that I won't be able to be on the computer too much during summer. We have big plans so I'll have lots of pictures to eventually post. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Camping Pictures

I love this puppy!

One cool dude!

Chillin out with Mama eating my grapes!

Blowing kisses to Auntie Carol.

This camping stuff is hard.

Mama takes a nap....

Kevin, Keltie and I went camping last weekend with Kevin's parents, and his aunts and uncles. We had a great time with everyone. On Saturday I decided I needed a little nap. Well, I could hear a lot of laughing from around the campfire as I was trying to sleep. I heard a lot of stories when I woke up, but didn't see the proof as to what they did to/with Keltie while I was sleeping until today. Thanks Carol for the pictures. I know social services will be after us soon. :)
Nice mohawk!

A girl after Daddy's heart. Bottoms up!

I think I've had too much. (This is what my Daddy looks like sometimes!)

I guess now I know better than to take a little nap!