Thursday, February 25, 2010

Little Peanut

I haven't been very good at taking pictures lately since Keltie's gotten into the stage where she says "Cheese" for the camera, but then immediately turns away. Last night she was willing to cooperate so I got her in action doing the things that she loves the most. It's always a reminder of how truly blessed we are to have her in our lives.
This is what Kevin found when he went to wake her up from her afternoon nap. She is becoming a little hoarder and has to have everything with her when she goes to bed. When she wakes up she has to find her babies right away.
Keltie has always been a big helper. Now she's really taken to helping unload the dishwasher. Her job is to put all silverware away. She is very good at it. If she doesn't know where something goes she'll just set it on the counter until I can get to it.
"I can even do it with my eyes closed."

This is what the drawer looks like when she is finished. It's still teaching her independence even if I fix it after she's done.
She is also very interested in taking out all of the towels from the kitchen drawer. She then likes to cover up with them and carry them around the house.
If only she could fold them when she's finished.
Baby update: We had an ultrasound on Tuesday and everything looks good. I am now officially 20 weeks along. Due date is either July 13th or 14th. Baby is 10 ounces and is starting to kick. It's funny when they were doing the ultrasound the baby was constantly moving, but I couldn't tell. Can't believe how fast the time is going. Lots to get done before baby arrives, but am looking forward to it.


Grammy said...

Keltie, asleep or awake you are just too precious and too cute! I know that "cheese" head turn that your mommy is talking about though. At lease you don't cry when someone takes your picture--like someone else I remember! I can't wait to see you this weekend.
love you so much!

Lynn said...

Love the silverware drawer! She is such a good little helper!!