Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ten Months Old Already

Our little girl is 10 months old today. It's amazing how fast time has gone. She is able to do so much now. Last night she stood all by herself for about 10 seconds, which isn't really a big deal, but we've never experienced this before. Every day is truly a new experience for us. This morning I went to get her out of her crib and she was standing there waiting for me. It gave me such a good feeling. When I dropped her off at her babysitter's house this morning, she crawled right away from me and started playing. She didn't even notice that I left. I want her to be able to do this, but yet it broke my heart to see her getting so independent. I know that it will only get worse the older she gets. We just have to enjoy every minute of it.

Here she is this morning. I had to bribe her with the remote to try to get her to sit still. It didn't really work too well.

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