Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Keltie

Here are a few more recent photos of Keltie.
Over the weekend, Kevin's parents rented a cabin in St. Germain for the whole family. It was nice to get away, and quite the adventure with three babies under the age of one. We went snowshoeing on the first day for about a mile. Since Keltie doesn't like riding in her sled, Kevin carried her in the backpack (nambrand Kelty). When we were finished this is the way she looked. I guess she was giving Daddy a thumbs up for a great ride.

Of all the toys that Keltie has, she chooses to play with her socks. They kept falling off of her feet all day so she was inventive and found something to do with them.

If only I could learn to take pictures better.

Daddy's girl

Mama's girl (not the best picture of me!)

Pimp my ride!

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