Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fishing Day

While we were camping, we decided to take the girls fishing. Both of them were very excited to go and even practiced casting in the living room before hand. We all headed out and the girls soon lost interest in waiting. I took over Kinsley's pole and John saw that there was a nibble. He pulled on it and I reeled it in with a little help from Kinsley. She wasn't too impressed when she saw her catch and actually started crying about it. She didn't want to get too close to it.

Daddy and his girls.

Waiting so patiently.
She doesn't want to get too close.
No smile for Kinsley.

After we threw Kinsley's fish back in the water, you could see Keltie had a little pout on her face because she wanted to catch one. We explained to her that every time you go fishing you don't always catch a fish. In the mind of a five year old, this is something kind of hard to understand. Plus, we all  knew that we didn't want to leave until she had one. Kevin, Papa, Carol, and John took over the fishing poles. (John and Carol really loved the Princess and Barbie poles.) After a few false alarms, Kevin had one. He called Keltie over to "roll" it in like she kept calling it. She was pretty excited. She would come closer to it and hold the pole. When it moved though, she immediatly threw down the pole. Needless to say, these were the only two fish caught for the day.
Waiting for the big one to come along.

 Chilling out with Auntie Carol.
 Daddy's little helper.
Keltie and her first fish.
I think this face was about eating it.
 Proud girl and her proud Daddy.


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