Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let the Christmas Festivities Begin

I know that I've said this a lot lately, but wow, where does the time go? As Christmas is getting closer, we are running out of time. Last night we decided to go see the lights in Marhsfield. We've tried two other times, but it just hasn't worked out the way we wanted. It was a perfect night to go so off we headed. The girls were so good throughout the walk. They loved looking at all the bright colors. Kinsley was telling us what color the lights were and she was so proud of herself because we have been working A LOT on colors. I tolde her what a good job she was doing and she said, "I learning my colors." Too cute. We didn't take a lot of pictures, but here they are. (You'll notice that there aren't any with Santa. The reason for this is because we took the camcorder instead during this time. Needless, to say, both of the girls wanted nothing to do with Santa. Not a big surprise there!)

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

I see "Tacky" made it to Wildwood this year. It's well worth the trip!