Monday, December 3, 2012

Annual Christmas Parade

This weekend marked the true beginning of the holidays for us. We have been working on decorating our tree, but it was time to go to the Abbotsford Christmas parade. As in years past we headed to Granny and Papa's for supper and then went off to the parade. This was the first year that Kinsley got to go so we were all excited. The weather helped a lot in making it exciting. Well, it was a good time, except for the fact that there was a lot of space between things. Oh,well, the girls had a good time anyway.

Waiting to see the first thngs with cousin Ella.
Uncle John looking like he's cold already.
Something is coming, but what is it?
None of the little girls would get too close to Papa the clown.
One big happy, snuggly family.
Kinsley got excited to see Barbie. She doesn't show much emotion here, but that's all she talked about
Getting a little more excited.
You have to love her Elmer Fudd hat. She even says, "I'm hunting wabbits. Ha, ha!"
Cinderella is the one that Keltie really wanted to see. I held up the parade while I tried to capture the moment. (Scary thing, I taught Prince Charming in first grade.)
Eating a sucker and doing her exercises.
This was about as close as Kinsley would get to Boompa the clown.
Keltie all snuggled with her eyes covered as Puff the Magic Dragon came.

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

Hard to tell which one is Cinderella. They all look like princesses to me.