Monday, October 1, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Since I was posting pictures from our weekend, I brought in the camera to school. This is the camera that we thought that we broke, but Kevin fixed it for us. So needless to say, I can post some pictures from our summer. They are very random, but hopefully it gives a glimpse into our busy but FUN summer. Enjoy.

We had a family reunion at a private campground. Enjoyed the paddle boat with all these smiley girls. It was a great time.
Since we camped a lot, we had to wash the camper a lot.
Watch out, it's loaded.
I don't even know what to say about this one.
Kinsley went in for her first hair cut. To say she didn't like it, is understated. (Notice the snotty face). Keltie took the picture.
The finished product, again taken by Keltie.
We celebrated Kinsley's 2nd birthday camping at Eau Pleine. It was HOT that weekend, but nobody minded too mcuh.
The birthday girl getting some snuggles.
Aweseome butterfly cake made by Grammy. It was delicious.
Gotta love presents.
Birthday celebration at home. She was very excited about getting underwear.
Kinsley moved downstairs and into a big girl bed. We are STILL working on that transition. She's in her new room, just sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag.
Sidewalk chalk in the garage. This is our family made by Keltie.
You have to love Nutella sandwiches.

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

I bet it was loads of fun for you to get that camera working and stroll through those summer pictures of fun. Camping is almost over, but not the fun.