Friday, November 11, 2011

Daddy Day Care

"Mrs. Will, did you know that it's snowing?" This is how I was greeted when I walked into my classroom on Wednesday. My first thought, I would have to be blind not to have seen the snow. Second thought, YUCK! Well, Kevin had to stay home with the girls on Wednesday because our babysitter needed the day off. When I left in the morning, Kevin was all snuggled with Kinsley and I was regretting my decision to go to work.

They had a blast during the day. Kevin took both of them outside and pulled them around the yard. He had them both in one sled and was walking through the woods when Keltie started yelling that she lost her mitten. Sure enough, Kevin turned around and saw her mitten laying a little bit back. More importantly though, Kinsley was laying face down in the snow a way back as well. The little stinker Keltie was obviously more worried about that lost mitten than her sister in the snow.

Starting to roll the balls for a snowman.

"Let's go for a ride."


Grammy said...

Keltie, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you lost your mitten trying to save your sister!

Lynn said...

Jody!!! I am laughing so hard over here!! So so so funny! At least Kevin turned around unlike...ah-hem... Shannon... who just kept driving around the woods and we ended up having to walk back! Love this story!!