Friday, January 14, 2011

Six Months Old

Last Saturday Kinsley turned 6 months old. It's so hard to believe how fast that time has gone by. She is changing so much everyday. She goes to the doctor later this month and I'm excited to see how much she weighs. She has such a "compact" frame. I think her cheeks get chubbier each day. She has started to eat her vegetables and does a great job with that. She has rolled from her stomach to her back a few times, but doesn't really show any interest in it. She is so close from going to her back to stomach, but gets to a certain point and doesn't really try any more. Keltie and I are constantly cheering her on. I know that she'll reach these milestones, but for now she's happy just lying there and that's all that matters. She loves to stand up and play in her exersaucer. She has the gift of gab like her Mama and sister and Grammy and...... She is a morning person and wakes up ready to talk. She has already brought so much joy to our lives and we will be blessed with many more memories as she grows.

Trying her first biter biscuit. I'm not sure she was too excited about it. Of course Keltie had to be there to help.
"How did this get on my head?"
Look at that tummy.
This was her crazy hair this morning. I think she will eventually have the curls like Keltie does.
I love this face so much!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I love that face so much also. Actually I love the "grammy face" an awful lot also! It just isn't quite as smiley.