Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Fun

This weekend Kevin and Dad spent hanging drywall in our basement. They worked very hard and it looks so different now. Eventually Keltie will have to move down there so we are trying to get it finished bit by bit. Well, while they were working hard, Keltie, Grammy and I got to have fun upstairs. It's so funny to see her in front of other people because she truly acts like a little ham. Here are some of our adventures. Thanks again for all the help.
Grammy actually got Keltie to sit still long enough to put in some piggies.
Needless to say, she wasn't too excited about it. I think they lasted about 5 minutes and then she pulled them out.
Grammy also painted Keltie's toes. She sat very nicely for it. Now, though she's doesn't know what to think of it. Whenever I take her socks off she points and whines at them. I showed her that I had some on as well, but that didn't seem to matter to her.
Sitting so nicely.
This is Keltie with her head on a paper plate. I don't know what she was doing, but it was cute. I guess she thought it made a good pillow.
"Are you looking at me?"


Grammy and Boompa said...

It seems as though I've seen that "Are you looking at me?" look once or twice or maybe some couple hundred times before! Keltie, you are so much fun!!

Lynn said...

She is too funny! Um, no pictures of the progress on the basement? : )