Monday, March 25, 2013

Maple Syrup Season

After the Easter egg hunt, we headed out to the woods to help Kevin's dad tap trees. Keltie was very excited about this. I am not sure when, but she went out to the woods one time when they were collecting and she loved putting her mouth under the tap to drink the sap. I kept telling her that this was going to be different because we were just tapping the trees and that they might not start flowing right away. Thankfully, they were flowing. The girls were such troopers out there. I'm not sure they were any help, but they were cute.

Eating a few chips before the fun begins.

Not wanting her picture taken.
Kinsley and Grammy playing around.
Keltie trying to make it through the deep snow.
Being a good helper.
Granny and Keltie working together.
Getting a ride with Daddy.
Keltie getting her first taste of sap.
Trying to get as much as she can.
It must help to put your mouth right on it.

Kinsley and her snowball to eat.
Kinsley's first taste.
It works to be shorter. As fast as she could get her tongue out, it was dripping. She looked like a little frog.
I didn't realize I took this as a video. (It's not worth watching), but the girls made a snow bunny.

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

What a fun day! I hope there's some leftover sap for Papa to collect. And Keltie and Kinsley, I think I just saw that snowbunny hop right past our window.