Monday, January 7, 2013

Grammy and Boompa Day

Kevin decided that now that it's winter time, it's a good time to work on things on the basement. This meant that we would stud out a wall in the laundry room. This also meant that we had to redo all of th plumbing. Scary just thinking about it. Anway, we decided that Friday night/Saturday would be a good time to do this. To make it easier for us, the girls headed to Grammy and Boompa's. I guess they had a great time. Actually, I'm not sure who enjoys their time together more, the girls or the grandparents. Here are some pictures from their time together.
Snuggle time.
Keltie's Christmas party for school was the snow day in which school was cancelled. We had made some pretty dipped pretzels for it, but have since then eaten them. Grammy was on duty to make some more for the party. I'm not sure if they saw Kinsley helping,anyone would want to eat them.
Into the mouth.
She looks so sweet and innocent.
Not so sweet and innocent.
Just waiting to go to work.
The girls and Boompy (which is what they call him now instead of Boompa.)

I would put on some more pictures, but this computer is being ridiculous today. Thank you so much to Grammy and Boompa for watching them. We told the girls that they can't come back though if they are as crabby as they were after you left!

Just a side note, Kevin and I did get all of our things accomplished. We even did it without arguing. (If you know the way we work, that's a miracle.) We were both a little nervous about turning the water back on and not having any leaks, but he did it.

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

Side note: Kinsley really didn't decorate any pretzels. She just ate sprinkles. You gotta love her! By the way, grammy and boompa must have had more fun. Nothing compares to having time with those girls.