Monday, February 14, 2011

Little Valentine's

So I'm not big on Valentine's day, but I was excited for it this morning because Keltie has been talking about it for the last couple of days. I'm sure that has to do with the fact that she gets a party today at the babysitter's and with that means lots of snacks that we probably wouldn't let her have otherwise. I tried to get pictures of them this morning, but once again, Keltie was too engrossed in her show. Oh well, they brought smiles to me, so hopefully they do to you as well.
"I'll look, but I have to keep on eye on my show."
This is after I begged her for just one good picture.
This might almost qualify as an akward family photo. Kinsley doesn't look too sure of herself.
Keltie is telling me I'm all done and trying to push Kinsley off her lap. Gotta love sisterly love.
"My first Valentine's Day."
"I'll look at you Mama."
Not the world's greatest picture, but you gotta love those cheeks.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Happy First Valentine's Day, Kinsley. I have no doubt that it was easy for you to look at your mama!! Keltie, I hope you had fun at your party today. I bet the moon will smile at you again tonight. You both look beautiful in your valentine outfits.