Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Does she have chicken pox?

Kevin asked me early last week if I thought that we should go camping over Memorial Day weekend. I was torn because I wanted to go, but didn't really feel like getting everything ready. Eventually we decided that we would go. It made it a lot easier to get ready because Mom and Dad let us use their camper. We headed up to Miller Dam Friday after Kevin was finished with work. Thankfully one of his friends from work had gone up earlier that day or we wouldn't have had a site to camp in. It seems like we got everything set up in record time. (I guess I should say Kevin did that since I was watching Keltie.)

As soon as we got out of the truck the mosquitos started in on us. Unfortaunately, we forgot to bring Keltie's bug net along so we knew it was going to be porblem. She was an absoulte trooper Friday night. She sat and played by herself and even tasted the dirt. That would come back to bite us later since she was up for a couple hours Friday night and even threw up. I don't know what was in the dirt.

She woke up Saturday morning and it looked like she had the chicken pox. She had so many bites on her face and hands. It was so cute, but yet we felt like awful parents. Lucikly, she doesn't really realize that she has them so she wasn't itching them. I walked her around in the stroller and a little boy was riding his bike alongside me and asked if she had the chicken pox? All weekend long that's what we heard. She was good girl about it though. Saturday we went to visit her cousins who were camping near us. It was neat to see all the girls together. Keltie loved looking at the frogs and even took a little swim with them (on accident of course).

On Sunday we got visits from my parents, Kevin's parents and Kevin's aunt, uncle and cousins. It was great to see all of them. They are usually camping right alongside of us so it was nice that they were able to visit. We took Keltie down to the beach and let her play in the sand. She loved it! She is really learning to notice things now. Everytime she saw a dog over the weekend, she would point at in and wave. She is coming really close to saying the word hi so everytime she waved she would yell "hiiii." It was just so sweet.

We came home early yesterday to get some things done around the house. Of course we had like four loads of laundry to do. Of course, the neighbors picked yesterday to spread manure. Oh well, that's country living. We can't wait to do a lot more camping this summer.

My attempt to get a close up of her "chicken pox."

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh the poor little sweetie! The mosquitos were terrible at Adam's Graduation on Friday night. Of course the beasts go after my feet and I can't reach my feet to scratch them! Drives a prego girl crazy!

Sounds like you had so much fun camping! We'll have to go together sometime... when I think I am brave enough to take a little one with... and we get a bigger tent that can fit 2 adults, a baby, and dog! : )