Monday, May 20, 2013

Jellystone Park / Camping Trip #1

Over the weekend we headed out on our first camping trip of the season. It was a little cool on Friday and we had to run the heat in the camper, but by Saturday we were running the air conditioner. We headed to Jellystone Park by Warrens with the Staab family and Grammy and Boompa. It was such a nice feeling to be camping again. This is a place that we have never been before so it was nice to try somewhere new. This isn't the type of campground that we usually go to and we felt a little bit out of our element since we didn't have a golf cart. Seriously, almost everyone has a golf cart that they ride around on. It seems like it is a spectator sport! I think that we were the only adults who had bikes there to ride around. The girls had a great time and were pretty crabby by the time we left on Sunday. I'm not sure that we'll be able to get out 17 times like last year, but we are definitely ready for some more fun! Thanks everyone for a great weekend.

Enjoying a piece of toast with jelly. Life couldn't be any better.
Going for a ride.
Johnny and Carol knew someone there so Boompa was able to talk him into taking Keltie for a ride. She loved it.
Adding Keltie's handprint to a flag that will be sent to the troops.
Her finished product.
This is Kinsley's pouty face when she was told she couldn't ride bike anymore.
Getting ready for some mini golf.
Lots of fun. No one took the competition too seriously.
Love the form. Look out Tiger Woods.
Having lots of fun.
We all decided this weekend that Keltie is growing up way too fast.
The fam. (Love how Keltie is the only one really posing)
We went to say the Pledge with Yogi on Sunday morning. Kinsley didn't want any part to do with going by him.

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