Monday, February 18, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Last Tuesday, Keltie started her second session of swimming lessons. I am happy to report, that this started off MUCH better than the last session. She was close to tears at the beginning, but her teacher just grabbed her hand and off she went with her. Needless to say, there were no more opportunities for tears.

Fast forward to this weekend. I just love listening to my girls play together. They have such huge imaginations and usually have a lot of fun playing together. Saturday morning, they both decided that they wanted to be in just their underwear. Well, pretty soon they are pretending that they are at swimming lessons. Keltie is of course the teacher and Kinsley is the student. It was so much fun to watch them.

Warming up by sitting in the gutter and splashing.

Watching the teacher.
The scarf tied around her waist is her floaty. Don't you love the pose?!
Kinsley getting help from her teacher.
Loving every minute of it.
Getting ready to splish and splash.
Swimming across the pool.
Diving in. Look at that form.
Jumping in.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Keltie, that floaty looks a bit like the scarf I just knit your mommy! Really though, I bet I could make more money selling floaties than I could scarves. You girls are too, too funny!