Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hair Cuts

Keltie is getting excited for her first school concert. We have heard a lot of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer around our house. Well, she decided before her big day that she wanted to get her hair cut. She kept saying that she wanted to get it cut to her chin. Off we headed, Chrissy cut it a little bit and Keltie wanted more taken off. I was a little apprehensive, but I figured it was her hair. Well, it's pretty short, but it's super cute. It took me awhile to get used to it, but it's adorable on her. She was very excited about it, but I think she then started to get worried about what others would think. Here's the new girl in front of the Christmas tree.

This was her silly face.

Kinsley also decided that she wanted to get her hair cut. (That would be monkey see monkey do. ) Anyway, I was a little scared because the last time we went she screamed and screamed. She told me that she wouldn't, but that doesn't mean anything. Before we left home she told Kevin that she wanted to get it cut as short as his because "I want to be like you." Well, she did wonderful. She didn't make a peep and did everything she was supposed to do. She was so good. When Chrissy got done cutting  it, Kinsley said, "That not short like Daddy's." She's too funny. Here she is. (These pictures are courtesy of Keltie.)

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