Monday, February 6, 2012

Jody Jr.

Since the girls have been born, we have had mixed reviews on who looks like who. Almost immediately it was that Keltie is Kevin. I have totally agreed with this since day one. Now though you hear the opposite. With Kinsley, no one has really been too sure. The other day someone told me she is a spitting image of Kevin. I almost laughed because I can't see that at all. When I look at Kinsley, all I can see is myself when I was little. I've tried to compare pictures of the two girls and I just can't see that many similarites. However, I somtimes get a little scared because Kinsley reminds me of myself. (No, I'm not just patting myself on the back either.) Take a look and see what you think.
This just reminds me of myself.

This is Keltie at about the same age. See any resemblences?


Grammy said...

So I opened your blog up to show dad your new pictures. He saw the first one of the two girls and before he knew any further content he commented, "Those two look nothing alike, do they?" But how can they both be so adorable??

Unknown said...

I agree... they look nothing alike! My sister Mallory's boys are like that too. They look nothing alike either :)