Thursday, February 2, 2012

Loving the Weather

We have been enjoying the wonderful weather lately. Every night after supper, Kevin takes the girls outside for some fun. Keltie has been enjoying riding in her sled, and of course Kinsley likes her perch right up by Kevin on the 4 wheeler. The other night, Keltie got out a different sled and started to slide down the hill we have made. She loved it. Last night we all headed out for some fun and this time Kinsley even got involved. They loved it.
Here's Kinsley get ready for her first sled ride down the hill by herself.
I know it's hard to see her expression, but she loved it.
Asking for more as soon as she got to the bottom.
She was even super brave and tried going on her stomach. (Dont' worry, the sides are banked so she can't flip over.)
Keltie just wanted to keep going and going.
Making the trek back up to go again.
Even if you go sideways, it's still fun.
Get right back up and try again. She said right away, "I'm fine."
Kevin got out the sled then to try behind the four wheeler.
Kinsley isn't showing a lot of expression, but she loved it.
Sisterly love. They both went at the same time. Kinsley was constantly trying to see where Keltie was. It was so cute to watch.
I love these girls!

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

We love them, too!