Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Real Swimming Lessons

Keltie had her second session of swimming lessons on Tuesday night. Wow, she has come so far. She didn't even have any tears when they started, but got right in the pool and was ready to go. They had to float on their back and she just flipped right on it and went. The assistant that was there with her the last sessions, was there again on Tuesday and she couldn't believe what Keltie was doing. Then she had to switch from her back to her stomach and again this wasn't any problem for her. They had to chase a beach ball while doing the doggie paddle and then hit it with their noses. Keltie did even realize that she had made it halfway across the pool chasing the ball. We are so proud of her. I had to tell her teacher about the swimming lessons that took place in our house the other night and she thought that was hilarious.

The warm up begins.
Getting a reminder to look up when floating on her back.
Look how far away she is from the edge of the pool. She keeps getting deeper and deeper.
Kinsley goes along to watch so to keep her entertained she wanted to take pictures. Don't you love it?
A stunning picture of my shoe from Kinsley

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

Wow, Keltie, we are so proud of you . We can't wait to come watch you again. You are getting to be such a great swimmer. We'll have so much fun in the water this summer. And Kinsley, when did you become such a wonderful photographer? Have you been getting lessons from Auntie Carol?