Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

So, Halloween is over. Whew! It's been rough preparing the girls for it. Actually, I shouldn't say girls. Keltie has known FOREVER that she wanted to be Cinderella. Grammy found an excellent costume for her so that was fine. Kinsley on the other hand, Kinsley, well, let's just say that Kinsley was Kinsley in deciding what she wanted to be. First it was a kitty. Fine, that's easy. Then for some reason it switched to a green bird. Where she even got the idea for that, I'll never know. While I was worrying about how to find her a green bird costume, she then switched to a purple bird costume. I asked at school how to do it, and the teachers said put her in a purple tutu with leggings. Done. I had everything lined up. Grammy made a purple feather and it was finished. Kinsley saw the feather and didn't want anything to do with it. Plan I don't even remember what plan it would be, a fancy nightgown. Fast forward to last Saturday, Grammy has a Barbie costume that is size 5/6. Now mind you, Kinsley is barely in a 2T. She tried this costume on and was in love. Fine so be it, that's what she can wear. Well, yesterday morning she wasn't too sure about it again, but she did wind up wearing it. We don't go trick or treating to a lot of houses and now I know why. The girls wouldn't say trick or treat and hid behind our legs. Needless to say, they got more than enough candy though and I'm sure Mama and Daddy will be the ones eating the majority of it.

1 comment:

Grammy and Boompa said...

Love you, princesses! You didn't hide at our house!