On Sunday, I took the girls up to visit Grammy and Boompa. Grammy has been wanting to make tutus out of material from our wedding. I think that she had dreams of making them together with the girls, but of course this isn't exactly how it turned out. Keltie helped for a little bit, but then found something else to do. Kinsley didn't want anything to do with helping. The girls were very excited to take them home to show Daddy, but weren't as excited to put them on. Grammy wanted a picture, but I haven't been able to get them in their tutus yet.
Anyway, when we left on Sunday, Kinsley had to have on a different little princess skirt. She wore it all day. Yesterday when we were just about to walk out the door for Cathy's house, she grabbed it and had to have it on. I'm not even kidding when I tell you that she wore it ALL day long. We managed to get it off of her before she went to bed last night. This morning, same thing happened. I guess she's going through a little princess stage.
We can't decide if she looks more like a princess or a little elf because it makes her look so short in it. |