Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Photo Shoot

Over the weekend, Auntie Carol took the pictures of the girls. It's always so much fun trying to get them to do what you want. When one cooperates, the other one isn't interested. Oh well, I guess that's expected with two little ones. After some snack breaks and of course potty breaks, they were willing to cooperate. Here are some of the results. Thanks a lot Carol.
Of course Carol had to get her two cents in. Keltie does have a shirt that says this as well and loves wearing it when she's with Auntie Carol. Kinsley on the other hand loves Carol when she's not too close or isn't holding her.
7 months old


Grammy and Boompa said...

Kinsley loves everyone....when they're not too close or holding her. Why does she think her mom, dad and daycare provider are the "best"? I've got to work on that...if she ever gives me the chance. Now Keltie on the other hand would stay with Grammy...if her mom and dad would ever give her the chance!!!

Grammy and Boompa said...

I can't see resemblances in these pics. Can you?