Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sneak Peek

Last night Auntie Carol came to our house to take pictures of the girls for our Christmas card. They did such an awesome job. I was amazed at how well both of them cooperated. It took a little bit of bribery for Keltie (in the form of 2 sips of Pepsi), but Kinsley wasn't afraid at all; there was no stranger danger for her. Anyway, Kevin told me that I couldn't put up pictures until we had sent out our Christmas card. We don't want to ruin the cuteness for everyone. I couldn't resist putting up one picture of each of the girls. I made the card today, but it was difficult to narrow it down. Until you get your card in the mail, this will have to do. Thank you Carol, you did such a good job again.
Keltie sitting in the sleigh. We had her saying all kinds of different things to get her to smile. The best was "Immaculate Conception." (Yes, you can tell I teach at a Catholic school).
What a sweetie!


Auntie Carol said...

There's my girls!! I was so happy with the amazing job that they did. I can't wait to see the finished product!!

Grammy and Boompa said...

Can we say "adorable"? And, oh, so proud. Can't wait to see your Christmas cards! Dresses are very pretty!