Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So I know this is way past due, but I'm finally back into the world of technology. I will try to get updates more often now. Beware there will probably be a lot all at once. These are pictures from Kinsley's birth. (Only 8 weeks later). I once again had a very easy labor. I was admitted to the hospital at 7:45 a.m. and she was born at 2:46 p.m. Kevin was with me the entire time. The only difficulty that I had was when the nurse told me that I couldn't push. I asked her if she had every delivered a baby and she said that she did. I looked at her and told her that I was going to push then. My pain medicine had wore off by this time so I needed to push and that's what I did.
All cleaned up and ready to snuggle.
8 pounds 8 ounces
Ready to spend some quality time with Mama.
Keltie was right all along when she said she was going to have a sister.
Daddy and his girls.

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