Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Early Birthday!

We had Keltie's 2nd birthday party this weekend since everyone was home. Again, thankfully she wasn't sick so were able to have a big celebration. It was so nice to be able to have everyone over and share her birthday with them. Keltie definitely enjoyed having all the attention directed at her as well. Here are a few shots from the day. Thank you to everyone who could make it to celebrate with us.
How can anyone resist those eyes?
Just waiting for everyone to show up.
Such a little lady in her dress.
"I'm waiting Mama."
"Please can I have Elmo now?"
Blow carefully.
Getting a little help from Mama.
"I get to eat Elmo now!"
"What could this be?"
"Is everyone watching me?"
Getting a little help from Aunt Denise and Addison.

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