Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Potty Training 101

So we have been working on potty training (although we haven't really spent a lot of time with it). Keltie has gone a couple of times in the past so we've been trying to get her used to the chair again and have been putting her on it more frequently. Last night she was looking at a magazine and didn't want to go sit. I told her that she could bring it along with her. Well, that was a mistake. Usually she'll only sit for a minute or two and say she's done. With the magazine in her hand, the potty chair is much more exciting. I kept asking her if she was done and she kept shaking her head. After awhile I went into the living room and just let her sit there. Of course though, then she would find an exciting page in the magazine and I would hear, "Mama, Mama, uppy." I'd go and look and she would be pointing to a puppy. Oh the joys of parenthood!

"What's up guys?"


Lynn said...

This girls personality is way too funny!!

Grammy and Boompa said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with spending quiet time sitting on the pot looking at a magazine.