Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We're Going to the Zoo!

On Sunday, we took Keltie to the Marshfield Zoo. It was a beautiful day to go. As we were walking around with her it was hard to tell who was more excited about it. I think in the end we were more excited to show her the animals then she was to actually see them. It seemed it was that way for the majority of the people there as well.Daddy and Keltie looking for the mountain lion. He was out, but you can't really see him.

Waving to the sandhill cranes. Anytime she saw an animal she had to wave at it. The most excitement was when we saw all the prairie dogs. She was waving and giggling at them.

What's a trip to the zoo without a stop at the playground?

I'm not sure how much Keltie actually got out of this trip, but it was still fun. We have a wedding in June by Milwaukee so we are going to take her to the zoo then. Hopefully, she will be able to see more and get a bigger kick out of it then. If not, at least Mama and Daddy will have fun!

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