Monday, June 10, 2013

Is that Summer?

School is over. (Well, actually I started teaching summer school today!) The weather is finally warm. Does that mean that summer is here? Let's hope that it continues this way. I will be away from the world of technology again this summer so I have one final blog to share before this time. Kevin and I have been talking for awhile about putting rocks on the front of our house. We finally did it this weekend. It was a lot of work, but it's done and it looks great. Kevin has been amazing with all of the things that he has done around the house. (All the electrical work, drywalling, sanding, painting, putting up the rocks and so much more). Also, a big thank you to mom and dad for all of their help. I know that it was difficult for them to be helping us work instead of playing with the kids, but we REALLY APPRECIATE IT! I didn't get the final pictures because it was raining, but I think you'll get the idea.

The before picture of one section.

Getting everything set up.
The first row.
Helpers or not? You decide.
Ta da.
We did do the remaining section, just didn't get a picture of it.
The side wall.
Cleaning up after a long day.

This is what Kevin looked like at the end of the day.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Time Goes Too Fast

Today is Keltie's last day of 4K. WHAT! I can't believe this. Where has the time gone? There's no way that she can be a kindergartner. As I drove her to daycare today we were talking about how much she has grown. I can remember getting her ready for the first day. She was super excited until we  got to Cathy's house and she had to get on the bus. There were tears all the way to the bus. Now, she barely looks back at me as she gets on. She has become so confident in herself and we are so proud of her. I know that it isn't going to get any easier as she gets older, but right now I don't want to think about that, I'm having a difficult enough time dealing with her going to be in kindergarten.

First day of 4K.

First day of 4K and Cathy's.

The three stooges.

Last day of 4K.
Second to last day of daycare.
The loves of my life. (if only Kevin was there!)
Grammy gets a day with Kinsley today. Shout out to her for doing Keltie's hair.
BFFs. They had their outfits all planned out.
The end of an era.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Day at the Zoo

Yesterday, Kevin headed to the Marshfield Zoo with the 4K class. This isn't typically Keltie's day for school so he had to pick her, Caylee and Koren up and take them to school. Keltie was very excited to have Daddy spend the day with her, but she was a little worried that he wouldn't know the bus rules. Kevin got the three daycare kids along with another little boy who doesn't go on the days the other three go so he didn't really know these kids. He was a little bit of a handful for Kevin and was always wanting to go in the opposite direction as the others. Kevin had a good time keep track of all of them. There were four other buses there so you can imagine what the playground looked like. I dressed Keltie in a green jacket for the day and he said that there were tons of kids in green. Oops! All in all though they had a great day and he said he would do it again.

I can't get the pictures loaded on here, but will try again later. Otherwise you just have to use your imagination.

Fishing Day

While we were camping, we decided to take the girls fishing. Both of them were very excited to go and even practiced casting in the living room before hand. We all headed out and the girls soon lost interest in waiting. I took over Kinsley's pole and John saw that there was a nibble. He pulled on it and I reeled it in with a little help from Kinsley. She wasn't too impressed when she saw her catch and actually started crying about it. She didn't want to get too close to it.

Daddy and his girls.

Waiting so patiently.
She doesn't want to get too close.
No smile for Kinsley.

After we threw Kinsley's fish back in the water, you could see Keltie had a little pout on her face because she wanted to catch one. We explained to her that every time you go fishing you don't always catch a fish. In the mind of a five year old, this is something kind of hard to understand. Plus, we all  knew that we didn't want to leave until she had one. Kevin, Papa, Carol, and John took over the fishing poles. (John and Carol really loved the Princess and Barbie poles.) After a few false alarms, Kevin had one. He called Keltie over to "roll" it in like she kept calling it. She was pretty excited. She would come closer to it and hold the pole. When it moved though, she immediatly threw down the pole. Needless to say, these were the only two fish caught for the day.
Waiting for the big one to come along.

 Chilling out with Auntie Carol.
 Daddy's little helper.
Keltie and her first fish.
I think this face was about eating it.
 Proud girl and her proud Daddy.


Beauty Day

We went camping again over the weekend and this time Keltie brought along her finger nail polish. This has been a big thing at our house lately and I am constantly fixing their nails. I don't know why, but polish on the girls never stays on. Almost every morning I am redoing someone's nails. Keltie decided that everyone needed a little bit of color to their nails this time.

Auntie Carol was first. She got all of her nails painted.
Granny was next.
Pap was next. The guys only got one finger painted except for Kevin. When Keltie was asked why Daddy got two nails, her reply was, "Because he's my daddy."

How Does Your Garden Grow?

A few weeks ago, we actually found a dry enough day to plant our garden. Once again, the girls had to make sure that they were right there to help. Hopefully everything grows well.

Daddy and Keltie dropping the seeds in.
Mama interuppting their work.
Kinsley trying to figure out what to do. She loved covering up the seeds and letting them go night night.
Our good helpers.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Jellystone Park / Camping Trip #1

Over the weekend we headed out on our first camping trip of the season. It was a little cool on Friday and we had to run the heat in the camper, but by Saturday we were running the air conditioner. We headed to Jellystone Park by Warrens with the Staab family and Grammy and Boompa. It was such a nice feeling to be camping again. This is a place that we have never been before so it was nice to try somewhere new. This isn't the type of campground that we usually go to and we felt a little bit out of our element since we didn't have a golf cart. Seriously, almost everyone has a golf cart that they ride around on. It seems like it is a spectator sport! I think that we were the only adults who had bikes there to ride around. The girls had a great time and were pretty crabby by the time we left on Sunday. I'm not sure that we'll be able to get out 17 times like last year, but we are definitely ready for some more fun! Thanks everyone for a great weekend.

Enjoying a piece of toast with jelly. Life couldn't be any better.
Going for a ride.
Johnny and Carol knew someone there so Boompa was able to talk him into taking Keltie for a ride. She loved it.
Adding Keltie's handprint to a flag that will be sent to the troops.
Her finished product.
This is Kinsley's pouty face when she was told she couldn't ride bike anymore.
Getting ready for some mini golf.
Lots of fun. No one took the competition too seriously.
Love the form. Look out Tiger Woods.
Having lots of fun.
We all decided this weekend that Keltie is growing up way too fast.
The fam. (Love how Keltie is the only one really posing)
We went to say the Pledge with Yogi on Sunday morning. Kinsley didn't want any part to do with going by him.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

Yes, we are still around. I know that it has been FOREVER since I have posted anything and I can't even make excuses why. It's just been a long time.

Yesterday since it was Mother's Day there was a lot of secrets and whispering going around our house as to what we should do. Well, we should know that you don't tell a 2 year old a secret because Mama is going to find out what is planned for the day. Originally, we were going to go camping, but decided to stay home and get things done. We did go to Marshfield and went to Culver's. We ate our ice cream in the van and then headed to the zoo. This has gotten to be a yearly tradition for us and it's so much fun to see how excited the girls get about seeing the animals. This year there was a little newborn fawn which was extremly cute to watch. Kinsley really got a kick out of it. It was a great day with my 3 favorite people. I love my family so, so, so much. Thanks for a great day.

Mama and her girls enjoying ice cream.
The afterglow of ice cream.
The scowl after ice cream.
Entering the zoo. So Kinsley got new sunglasses and was super excited to wear them. She also had to have her Elmer Fudd hat on because while she was eating breakfast at home she saw a rabbit. We always tease her when she wears this hat that she's hunting rabbits so she had to have it on.
Daddy and his girls.
Fun times!