Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pretties and Potty Training

So you remember the other day how I said that Kevin would soon be putting pretties in Keltie's hair? Well, that didn't take long to happen. We have been working on getting Keltie potty trained. Last night we had her sitting on the potty chair because she's been going in her underwear and then stops as soon as you put her on the potty. Kevin wanted to work with her so they were in the bathroom. Anytime I came in she would tell me "out." I knew that they were playing around in there, but I didn't know exactly what they were doing until I came in. This is what I found.
This face looks like she's in pain, but she's just really saying cheese. She kept telling Daddy where she wanted pretties. I guess Mommy is probably off "pretty" duty now.
Too sweet!

She did manage to go on the potty three times last night. We celebrated every time. All she really cares about is the fact that she gets "treats" when she goes.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Daddy Salon

Yesterday when I dropped Keltie off at daycare, one of the other little girl's had her toes painted. Last night, I told Keltie that I thought that we should paint her toes. She was excited about this so we went outside to do it. Well, it didn't go quite accordingly to plan. She thought that she got to help Mama paint her toes so she wanted to hold the brush. I told her that she could watch, but that I didn't want her to hold anything. Of course this led to tears. I told her that I wouldn't be able to do it at all until she calmed down. Then Kevin came outside. (Keltie's knight in shining armor.) He asked her if she wanted him to paint her toes and she said yes. So he ended up painting her toes and fingers. I told him that I never thought that I would see the day. Next up, is pretties in her hair. She sat very well for him. A lot of it came off already so this morning, we had to fix her fingers. She actually let me do it this time.

Sitting nicely for Daddy.
Daddy showing Keltie how to hold her hand so it's easier to paint her fingers.
Such cute little toes.
The finished product.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Last year we got dirt with the intention of planting a garden. I have never claimed to have a green thumb, so this might be an adventure for us. Kevin spent yesterday planting the majority of the garden, but saved the pumpkins and tomatoes until Keltie and I got home. Kelite was a great big helper. She looked like a little Mennonite girl helping Daddy. Check out the dress and no shoes look. Hopefully we have good luck and will be able to freeze some of our results for the baby.
"Is this how I do it Daddy?"
Taking a little time to tell Mama, "Cheese."
Waiting patiently for Daddy to put the next seed in.
Being ever so careful.
Helping Daddy push the dirt in to cover up the plants.
This is fun!
Keltie even had to help water the plants. This was interesting to watch because the scooper that she was using had holes in it. She would dip it in the bucket and by the time she actually got the scooper to the plant the water was gone. She didn't get frustrated at it, instead she would just giggle and look at us.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More Camping

Here are a few more pictures from our camping adventure. Thank you Carol and Mom.
Riding bike on Friday night. Notice the winter jacket.
Cuddled up with Grammy and Allison (Keltie's 3rd cousin).

"I just want to hold her hand."
There's enough room on Boompa's lap for two precious little girls.
It was a battle before this to get her to put on a sun hat. Now she knows she's cute in it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Camping Season Has Begun

We adventured out on our first camping trip of the season. Things are a little different this year so we were excited to go. First of all, I'm 7 months pregnant, we have an active 2 year old and we have upgraded to Mom and Dad's old camper. What a sigh of relief a camper brings. I was never a huge fan of camping in a tent so it's easier to get me to go camping when you mention the word camper. We headed to the Eau Plaine Flowage with Grammy and Boompa, 2 sets of Kevin's aunts and uncles, Kevin's cousin and one of my cousin's and her family. It was really windy and cold on Friday, but by 6:00 that night the wind had died down and it turned into a beautiful night. Before that we were playing in the sand on the beach in our winter jackets. The rest of the weekend turned out to be perfect. There were a lot of helpers there so Keltie got a lot of one on one time with everyone. I learned that I'm not going to be near as active camping as I normally am. We went for a bike ride and I can imagine what I looked like trying to pedal around my tummy. Usually when you go camping you get to be "lazy", I have the ultimate excuse to be lazy now. :) Thanks to everyone for a great weekend. We can't wait to do it again. (Although if you ask Keltie if she had fun she says yes. If you ask her if she wants to go again she says no.)
"Cheese Mama!"
Such a big girl playing by herself.
"Grammy, do you want to try some of my cake?"
"I'm playing with Daddy now. No time for pictures."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bubble Fun

Who doesn't love bubbles? Keltie loves playing with them anytime that we are outside. She hasn't quite figured out how to blow them on her own, but she has fun trying. A lot of times, the bubbles end up spilled on the ground, but it's fun up until then. There are some pictures taken by Connie after she was finished with her formal ones.

Two Year Old Pictures (Finally)

We thoght that we were doing really good and had Keltie's 2 year pictures taken well before her birthday. Well, needless to say as busy as we have been lately, I hate to admit this, but it took us awhile to actually have time to look at them. Kevin hasn't even had time to look at all of them. (Sorry if you read this Connie). We also had some family pictures taken at this time. My stomach wasn't too big in them, but if you see me now you would notice the change. Connie said that we had to come back in July to do them with my big belly. It's definitely there now. Thank you Connie for capturing the moment. We enjoy all the time you spend with us. Here are a few of those special moments.

We're Going to the Zoo

Yesterday we decided to take a trip to the Marshfield zoo. We went last year, but it's amazing how much difference a year makes. Keltie was much more excited this year. The whole way there she kept saying "Bear, Bear." Luckily, Ms. Grizz was actually out so that she could see her. There's not really much to see there, but Keltie had a great time walking from place to place. She just kept wanting to see more. It was a great way to celebrate Mother's Day.
Looking through the glass to see the lynx.
Showing us where the kitties are. Also, known as the mountain lions.
Going with Daddy to look at the goslings. They decided not to get too close since Mama started hissing at them.
The bunnies were the best part of the trip. She kept running around their cage and laughing at them. Check out that smile. I am starting to see me more and more in her.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Haircut

We have been debating for a long time if we should get Keltie's hair cut. She has finally started to grow it out more so it doesn't look like a mullet anymore. I was afraid that she would lose some of her curls if we got it cut. She was once a little girl who didn't like anything in her hair. Now we can't even think about leaving the house in the morning without a pretty in it, even if we are already running late. Last night I decided to take her to get her first hair cut. Kevin was turkey hunting so we figured it was the best time to go. We set out for Cost Cutters with the camera, a gift certificate and a container to put her first piece of hair in. All good intentions, but things never go according to planned.

When we walked into Cost Cutters she was happy just looking around. Then the girl brought out a booster seat to sit on. Of course she wanted no part of this. So I told her to just let her sit on my lap. She put the little apron thing around me and went to put one around Keltie. No way was she going to have anything to do with this. She started pushing it away and telling the girl no. I tried to get her to calm down, but she wanted nothing to do with that. I took her and we looked out the windown and she kept saying, bye bye and owie. We walked around and looked at everyone else getting their hair cut. There were two other guys in there so I pointed out that they didn't think that it hurt. At that same time, the little boy goes "Ouch." The girl cutting his hair looked at him and told him that she could really make it hurt.

Finally, I got her calmed down by letting her hold a comb and eat some fruit snacks. I promised her McDonalds (not that she really knows what that is) and a trip to Grammy and Boompa's house. She was finally able to get it cut. Of course she didn't sit still, but that's not my problem to deal with. When she was done and we asked her if it hurt, she shook her head no. I didn't get any pictures taken during it, but these were taken at the end. She had to ham it up at the end.

We did stop at McDonald's and Grammy and Boompa's. Here she is enjoying her first ice cream cone. I guess she must get her love of ice cream from her Mama. :)