We have been debating for a long time if we should get Keltie's hair cut. She has finally started to grow it out more so it doesn't look like a mullet anymore. I was afraid that she would lose some of her curls if we got it cut. She was once a little girl who didn't like anything in her hair. Now we can't even think about leaving the house in the morning without a pretty in it, even if we are already running late. Last night I decided to take her to get her first hair cut. Kevin was turkey hunting so we figured it was the best time to go. We set out for Cost Cutters with the camera, a gift certificate and a container to put her first piece of hair in. All good intentions, but things never go according to planned.
When we walked into Cost Cutters she was happy just looking around. Then the girl brought out a booster seat to sit on. Of course she wanted no part of this. So I told her to just let her sit on my lap. She put the little apron thing around me and went to put one around Keltie. No way was she going to have anything to do with this. She started pushing it away and telling the girl no. I tried to get her to calm down, but she wanted nothing to do with that. I took her and we looked out the windown and she kept saying, bye bye and owie. We walked around and looked at everyone else getting their hair cut. There were two other guys in there so I pointed out that they didn't think that it hurt. At that same time, the little boy goes "Ouch." The girl cutting his hair looked at him and told him that she could really make it hurt.
Finally, I got her calmed down by letting her hold a comb and eat some fruit snacks. I promised her McDonalds (not that she really knows what that is) and a trip to Grammy and Boompa's house. She was finally able to get it cut. Of course she didn't sit still, but that's not my problem to deal with. When she was done and we asked her if it hurt, she shook her head no. I didn't get any pictures taken during it, but these were taken at the end. She had to ham it up at the end.
We did stop at McDonald's and Grammy and Boompa's. Here she is enjoying her first ice cream cone. I guess she must get her love of ice cream from her Mama. :)