Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Your Royal Highness
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fun Times
In other news, we are dealing with Keltie working on getting 5 new teeth. Thankfully, she is very good about this. It just means that she can eat more. I guess we both better get another job so we can afford to feed her as much as she has been eating lately.
17 months going on 16 years
Monday, September 21, 2009
Campfire Fun
This a picture of Keltie with her two favorite second cousins, Michael and Ethan. Keltie is very lucky that she gets to spend a lot of time with them. They usually go camping with us and both of them helped when we made Keltie's playhouse. She was unsure of the two of them when they first arrived at our house, but was instantly drawn to Michael when she saw the Cheetos.
"This my lucky day, two different kinds of Cheetos. Can life get any better?"
Getting ready for bed. Sometimes you just have to sit and cuddle.
Wish us good luck, we're trying no nap at Cathy's today since it's been almost a week since she's wanted to take two naps. We'll see how it goes.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Many Faces of Keltie
This isn't fun anymore. (She's still so cute even when she's crying!)
Sitting so pretty.
"I am such a big girl."
I'm thinking that she is going through another growing stage. This morning she ate a whole kiwi and half a granola bar. When we got to her babysitter's she was kind of upset. She saw food on the table and asked to eat right away. Yesterday when Kevin brought her home from the babysitter's she sat in the booster seat and ate for 45 minutes straight. For the past two days she has also decided that she doesn't want to take an afternoon nap. She's deciding that it's much more exciting to play than to sleep. Needless to say, she feel asleep lying with Kevin on the couch last night at 7:30. You just don't know what to expect sometimes.Monday, September 14, 2009
Beautiful Weekend
Friday, September 11, 2009
He put her in a timeout for a minute and she went back and threw the shoes again. So another timeout. Same result. Another timeout. The same result. Another timeout. Amazingly after this one she changed her mind and found something else to do. The first two she cried during. The second two she sat pretty still and finally realized that Daddy was serious.
Kevin was really cute though and sounded just like the Super Nanny. It seems like she's so young to be doing this with, but the doctor told us that she needs to learn her boundaries. Hopefully, that's the end of it for awhile.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Where has the time gone?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Privacy Please!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Time to go on the slide!
Will's Backwoods Bash
Even though it was cold, we had to have root beer floats. Here's Keltie waiting for spoonful after spoonful of mine.
Playing inside of the tent. Luckily it was dried out. Kevin has to take the big ball so he can do his back exercises. Keltie loves playing with it though.