Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Keltie

Here are a few more recent photos of Keltie.
Over the weekend, Kevin's parents rented a cabin in St. Germain for the whole family. It was nice to get away, and quite the adventure with three babies under the age of one. We went snowshoeing on the first day for about a mile. Since Keltie doesn't like riding in her sled, Kevin carried her in the backpack (nambrand Kelty). When we were finished this is the way she looked. I guess she was giving Daddy a thumbs up for a great ride.

Of all the toys that Keltie has, she chooses to play with her socks. They kept falling off of her feet all day so she was inventive and found something to do with them.

If only I could learn to take pictures better.

Daddy's girl

Mama's girl (not the best picture of me!)

Pimp my ride!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Keltie has finally gotten her first tooth. It has only taken her a little bit over 10 months to get it. It started last weekend when she had an extremely high fever, but we just thought that she was getting a cold since she also had all the cold symptoms. On Saturday I was feeding her and she kept grabbing my finger to put in her mouth. Then I felt it, a sharp little point in the middle of her mouth. I was so excited and of course made a big deal out of it. She then got excited and started clapping her hands. I'm sure she was thinking how crazy I was. Kevin felt it later though and did the same thing. Hopefully, it will continue to be as easy of process as it has been so far. She is enjoying the day today with her Grammy and Boompa as my parents are both watching her. I'm sure she won't be left alone for a minute. She'll love every minute of it though.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ten Months Old Already

Our little girl is 10 months old today. It's amazing how fast time has gone. She is able to do so much now. Last night she stood all by herself for about 10 seconds, which isn't really a big deal, but we've never experienced this before. Every day is truly a new experience for us. This morning I went to get her out of her crib and she was standing there waiting for me. It gave me such a good feeling. When I dropped her off at her babysitter's house this morning, she crawled right away from me and started playing. She didn't even notice that I left. I want her to be able to do this, but yet it broke my heart to see her getting so independent. I know that it will only get worse the older she gets. We just have to enjoy every minute of it.

Here she is this morning. I had to bribe her with the remote to try to get her to sit still. It didn't really work too well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mother's Daughter

Everyone always tells us that Keltie is her Daddy over and over again. I completely agree and have not taken any offense to people telling me this. I do have to admit though that she does have some of my features. Especially, my long eyelashes. This morning I went to take her picture and this was the result.

She definitely does have some of her Mama in her. I'm always sticking my tongue out since I hate having my picture taken. I guess she's proud to show it off.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Good News!

I got to thinking this weekend, there's so much negativity in the world right now, that I often forget about all the good things. Each time you turn on the news, it's something worse than the day before. So I decided before I lost focus of reality, I needed to remind myself of all the good things in my life. Here's what I came up with, in no particular order.

1. I have a loving husband and a darling daughter.

2. Keltie has such a great daddy. I just love watching the two of them interact together.

3. My parents are the most supportive parents anyone could ask for. They have been through so much, but are so strong because of it all. I truly admire them.

4. In less than two weeks I will be finished pumping.

5. We adore Keltie's babysitter. We know she is in great hands when we leave her and that makes it so much easier to walk out the door.

6. Kevin's family has made me feel so welcome and comfortable.

7. Both sets of our parents get along well. They even went on vacation together.

8. I have a job to go to everyday, even if it doesn't pay a lot.

9. Kevin gets to go to work for another week at least.

10. Overall, our families have been blessed with good health.

11. Keltie makes me laugh each day. She is growing into such a cute little lady.

12. My job is very rewarding. It's such a joy to hear all of my kids read independently.

13. Keltie has been eating and sleeping like such a big girl.


15. I'm still n touch with many of my friends that I grew up with.

16. The majority of my grandparent are still living.

17. I get the best of both worlds. I get to work, but I also get the summers off.

18. In a few months, it will be time to go camping again.

19. Keltie has learned to sign "milk." Although she does the same sign when she wants "more."

20. I get a day off from work in a week.

21. I remain optimistic that I will get a public school job.

22. At the end of the day, I look forward to coming home to spend time with my family.

23. I don't have any student loans to pay off.

24. No matter how bad one day is, there will always be a new one to try again.

25. God is always watching over me and my family. He knows what I need in my life and I put my trust in Him.

So there you have it, my life in a nutshell. I could have thought of more than 25, but I figure I'll need them for a different time (as I think of these, Kevin tells me there's something wrong with my car. GREAT!!) I remain optimistic that things will get better. Don't let all the bad make you forget all the good that you have.