So I have always been told that Christmas is more fun when you are able to share it with little ones. I was excited this year to experience that with Keltie. We went to church on Christmas Eve and she was totally in awe of all of the people, the music and the lights. It was neat to just watch her face light up as she saw everything. We then went to my Grandma's house. Of course she was able to try to open presents there. She wasn't really too interested in it. I think that my aunts probably had more fun opening each of them for her.

Here she is getting a little help from Mama.
Christmas morning we got to wake her up. Again, it's not like she was real excited. It was fun to watch her try to open her presents.
She got a Cabbage Patch Doll since every little girl needs a doll (or two or three or four).

Then it was off to the Will's for Christmas. That was interesting with all of the babies there. It was cute to see all of them together. It will really be interesting next year when they can more around more.
Here she is with her cousin Autumn. Autumn was very excited because Keltie's dress was very similar to the one that she had on.
Friday we went to my mom and dad's. Keltie was finally a little bit more interested in opening presents. I guess she finally figured out exactly how to do it. She loved playing with the wrapping paper and was sometimes more excited by the tissue paper than the actual present.
Update on the crawling progress: She is now all over the place. There is not any thought to crawling any more, she just does it. I tried to undecorate the tree the other day and of course she wanted to "help" with it. She is now working on trying to pull herself up. Needless to say, Kevin put up the baby gate. Now we just have to get through teething, which I think we have started.